Tuesday 1 May 2007

The Finished Article...

You will have seen our free student newspaper "The FONTS" all over campus by now. Please, please tell us what you think of it - but be kind, be gentle - it took a lot of blood, sweat and tears! "The FONTS" is a one-off student assignment but if you are keen to take up the reins and join a team producing a regular Chalfont paper, let us know and we'll put you all in touch. Perhaps you can get something started!

Please post any comments you might have on any aspect - whether there is a particular article that has annoyed or inspired you, if you want to argue a particular point, or even just to point out that we don't know how to use apostrophes. All your feedback - positive or negative - is gratefully received!

The Editorial Team


Anonymous said...

I very much enjoyed the read...so very well done to the editorial team. I really liked the varied mix of fun and serious articles, and I thought the photos on pages 8 and 9 were fab.Good advive on shopping on page 15 and taxis on the back.
I was interested by the Primark article on page 4 but what a shame there weren't more dresses and info about them on the next page!
The layout of page 12 was a bit haphazard with some small type which put me off reading it.
Unfortunate really, because the detail was interesting!
I didn't think much of the jokes on page 11...surely you could have found something funnier!
I do understand the need for the Oxygen advertising but it was a bit overkill to have nearly 20% of every page devoted to it.
The Virginia Tech article was very well written but made for a serious opener......I wondered what was coming!
Well done to all...what a lot of hard work.

Anonymous said...

An interesting read with some useful material for your target audience. The strengths for me were the layout and the professional visual impact (including the high quality paper used). I enjoyed the article on Calais and the page on work experience although I expect some negative comments will be made with regard to the size of the typeface! Some features for me were not detailed enough e.g. Primark - top 10 buys may have added more impact and it was disappointing that on the next page only a very limited number of dresses were shown and none from Primark! London calling was also limited with no prices or real ideas of places to visit or any mention of the offers available e.g.travel by train and get two for one access to many attractions. Felt like you were filling out pages for the sake of it in the later sections - student recipes were not exciting and the supermarket comparisons were too vague to be of any use. The idea of consistent advertising re: Oxygen throughout I quite liked but the write up on page 13 did not offer me any indication of prices, opening hours etc.which was a shame.
Overall, the mix of articles was good, the focus on your target population was clear and it was well written and structured.

Anonymous said...

i found the newspaper very informative and very well presented. The articles were well structed and contained useful information for students. I would like to add that their should have been a sports section, but other than that it was well done.

Anonymous said...

Amazing read, gave me something to do when I was sitting in the bar. I can't believe students put this together. Can't wait to read the next one!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the (first???) issue of Fonts

Good name.

Appearance v professional

Content varied:like the idea of the 2 'heavy' articles at start .Perhaps could contain something about studying...admittedly that might be a bit boring...

Well done all
Great idea too: wonder which tutor thought it up?

Jane Tyrer Law Staff

Anonymous said...

A very enjoyable read combining serious editiorial coverage with some more light hearted features.The bias of the magazine seemed slightly to favour female readers with no specific coverage of issues pertinent to the male reader(ie Sport!)That said the articles and activities relate well to the designated target audience and issues concerning student life. I particularly liked the advice on how to use Taxis safely and would pass them on to my Teenage daughter.
The layout of the magazine was on the whole good but page 12 seemed cramped and a bit of an afterthought -many different type sizes and type faces. Also it was a shame the dresses in the 'May Ball' article were not in colour, but I do appreciate colour is an additional expense in printing.
I shall be contacting St Sebastians
for a longbow session.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see a publication that is of interest to us students. Was a good read with varied articles that were both interesting and humourous.

The layout and design was very professional! Much better than most student produced magazines.

Anonymous said...

Thought the fonts was awesome! well written and presented! what a clever bunch the PR students must be!! whens the next one out??